Category Archives: Indie Daze 3

Pop Will Eat Itself – Live @ Indie Daze 3, O2 Forum, Kentish Town (2016-10-01)

In late September I took an epic trip from Hong Kong to England to see Gaye Bykers On Acid. It was a crazy, amazing trip and worth every penny. As it happened GBOA were playing Indie Daze 3 with my other favourite band Pop Will Eat Itself, which certainly sweetened the deal!

I was really excited to see the Poppies, in particular because Kerry “The Buzzard” Hammond (Yeah God!) was playing guitar with them along with PWEI V.1 drummer Fuzz Townshend.

Anyway, by the time PWEI came on the jet lag hit me like a ton of bricks and I was absolutely knackered. Furthermore I was emotionally drained after seeing (potentially) the last GBOA gig ever! Anyway, I watched the show but couldn’t get into it at all – the tiredness was crippling and I could think about was whether or not I was about to collapse!

I left the show barely remembering the Poppies set.Thankfully, bootleg extraordinaire Stef recorded the show and I’m happy to say it’s great! I remember watching live and noticing a few slip-ups with bassist Davey Bennett running around on stage trying to keep Fuzz in time for the new songs, but listening to the recording you can barely notice any issues.

The set list was mostly classics but they showcased a few songs from their fantastic latest album Anti-Nasty League. Anyway, enough rambling, here’s the show!

Set list

01-The Incredible P.W.E.I. Vs. The Moral Majority
02-Dance Of The Mad Bastards
03-Preaching To The Perverted
05-Director’s Cut
06-Nosebleeder Turbo TV
07-Everything’s Cool?
08-Watch The Bitch Blow
09-Old Skool Cool
11-Ich Bin Ein Auslander
12-Wise Up! Sucker
13-Can U Dig It?
14-Get The Girl! Kill The Baddies!
15-Their Law
